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Top 20 Chiropractic Questions on Google Malaysia in 2021

1. What is a chiropractor?

A chiropractor is a trained healthcare specialist who has a chiropractic degree from a university accredited by Councils on Chiropractic Education International (CCEI) or Council on Chiropractic Education, Australia (CCEA). Chiropractors specialise in manual or hand adjustments to the spine and joints. They focus on the prevention, diagnosis and conservative care of spine-related disorders and other painful joint issues.

2. Are chiropractors doctors?

Chiropractors are not medical doctors (MD). They are known as doctors of chiropractic care (DC). Medical doctors are commonly known as general practitioners, doctors you see when you have a cough or the flu. In countries like USA, Australia and New Zealand, chiropractors graduate with the title Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). Chiropractors in Malaysia commonly attach the title Dr to their names, following the practise of Association of Chiropractors Malaysia (ACM), an association that is recognised by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.

3. Are chiropractors good for herniated discs?

Yes, you can definitely seek a chiropractor for herniated discs. *A recent study in the European Spine Journal concluded that chiropractic treatment for back pain and sciatica due to a bulging or herniated lumbar disc is not risky. Some chiropractors like the ones at Kim’s Chiropractic offer treatment for herniated discs combined with physiotherapy to strengthen the muscles surrounding the area. A good chiropractor will always recommend you to seek the opinions of an orthopaedic doctor if they feel they cannot handle your case.

1. Hincapié, C.A., Tomlinson, G.A., Côté, P. et al. Chiropractic care and risk for acute lumbar disc herniation: a population-based self-controlled case series study. Eur Spine J 27, 1526–1537 (2018).

4. Can a chiropractor help my frozen shoulder?

Yes, a chiropractor can help your frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder begins with an injury or inflammation of the soft tissues, typically due to overuse injuries such as bursitis or tendinitis of the rotator cuff. The initial treatment would be to decrease the inflammation, and then combine with physiotherapy to rehabilitate the shoulder back to function.

5. Can a chiropractor help with whiplash?

Yes, you can definitely seek a chiropractor for whiplash. Whiplash is usually caused by car accidents, sports or even falls. The chiropractor will consult & examine the severity of the whiplash and perform manual adjustments to provide relief.

6. How often should you see a chiropractor?

It really depends on a few factors, the chiropractors’ treatment method and the severity of your condition. It is advisable to get an initial consult & exam before knowing how often you should see a chiropractor. 

The Kim’s Chiropractic assessment during your consult & exam consist of:

- asking questions regarding symptoms and health history

- posture checking

- checking limitations of movements

- manual muscle testing

- manual checking of joint movements and muscle tone

- special tests

After this session, you will be given a personalised treatment plan and the number and frequency of sessions that you require to get relief for your condition.

7. How to pronounce chiropractor or chiropractic?


Chiropractor: Kai-ro-prak-ter, commonly mispronounced as chee-roh-prak-ter.

Chiropractic: Kai-ro-prak-tik, commonly mispronounced as chee-roh-prak-tik. 

Bahasa Malaysia: 

Chiropractor: Kai-ro-prak-ter

Chiropractic: Ki-ro-prak-tik


Chiropractor: 脊椎神经矫正 Ji zhui shen jing jiao zheng

8. Should I see a chiropractor for lower back pain?

Yes, chiropractors are known for treating lower back pain. In fact, it’s one of the main conditions any chiropractor sees on a daily basis. There are several studies that have concluded that manual adjustments performed by chiropractors are generally effective for treating low back pain.

1.Rubinstein SM, van Middelkoop M, et. al, "Spinal manipulative therapy for chronic low-back pain," Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2): CD008112. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008112.pub2. PMID 21328304.

2.Dagenais S, Gay RE, Tricco AC, Freeman MD, Mayer JM (2010), "NASS Contemporary Concepts in Spine Care: Spinal manipulation therapy for acute low back pain," Spine J 10 (10): 918–940. doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2010.07.389. PMID 20869008.

9. What degree to become a chiropractor?

In Malaysia, you have to enroll in *Bachelor of Science (Hons) Chiropractic at International Medical University (IMU). The course is 4 years and will cost an estimate of RM248,800 for Malaysians. IMU is the only university in Southeast Asia that offers chiropractic degrees. Chiropractic degrees are also available in RMIT, Australia and the New Zealand College of Chiropractic.


10. Where can I find a chiropractor?

Just Google “chiro near me” or come to Kim’s Chiropractic!

11. Are chiropractors doctors quacks?

No, chiropractors are not quacks. A quack is a "fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill". Chiropractors study for years and have hundreds of hours of practical training before completing their degrees. Chiropractic education covers human biology, anatomy and research-based techniques.

12. Can a chiropractor help a torn meniscus?

A torn meniscus is usually more successfully treated with physiotherapy than chiropractic.

13. Can a chiropractor help with nerve damage?

Yes, chiropractors can help with nerve damage and the symptoms associated with it. Recovery depends on the cause and extent of the damage. 

14. Can a chiropractor help with scoliosis?

Yes, chiropractors are known for treating scoliosis. The goal of the treatment depends on the severity, type, and age of the person.

15. Can chiropractors fix bunions?

Bunions are usually managed and prevented from getting worse by a chiropractor. Full correction of bunions are usually difficult and unsuccessful in many cases due to long term bracing and intensive treatment.

16. How chiropractors treat back pain?

A chiropractor first takes a medical history, performs a physical examination, and may refer for lab tests or diagnostic imaging to determine if treatment is appropriate for your back pain.

The treatment plan involves manual adjustments in which the chiropractor manipulates the joints, using a controlled, pre-tensioned force to improve range and quality of motion. Many chiropractors also incorporate exercise/rehabilitation into the treatment plan. The goals of chiropractic care include the restoration of function and prevention of injury in addition to back pain relief.

During a typical chiropractic adjustment, your chiropractor places you in specific positions to treat affected areas. Often, you're positioned lying facedown on a specially designed, padded chiropractic table. You may hear popping or cracking sounds as your chiropractor moves your joints during the treatment session.

17. How to straighten spine without chiropractor?

While chiropractors are unable to straighten your spine completely, studies have shown a marked improvement in spine curvature, pain, and disability rating among those with curved spines. Exercise and posture awareness are usually good tools to straighten posture.

18. Is going to the chiropractor good for you?

Apart from spine wellness, going to a chiropractor is beneficial for those with musculoskeletal issues such as back pain, neck pain or shoulder pain. They provide relief and a plan for long term care so you can maintain your spine properly. It is the best medicine-free, surgery-free form of treatment that is backed by research. 

19. Should I see a chiropractor for back pain?

Yes. Chiropractors have long been associated as an alternative treatment for back pain. It is effective and low risk. 

20. What do I wear to the chiropractor?

Wear comfortable clothing. During a treatment session, a chiropractor will ask you to move into different positions for them to perform an adjustment. Most chiropractors do not require you to change into a gown or be naked. Please check with your chiropractor on how they perform their treatment if you are concerned. At Kim’s Chiropractic, our patients are always clothed in the outfit they came in with.

🎉 You made it till the end!

We hope that this Top 20 chiropractic questions list has helped you gain a little more understanding about chiropractic in Malaysia. If you have more questions or would like clarification, feel free to contact us or book an appointment to see a chiropractor.

There is no substitute for real face to face advise, these questions and answers may cover a general topic and should not be taken as conclusive healthcare advise.

Source of questions: SEMrush